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21-30 of 82 result(s)

The RCM response to the NICE induction of labour 2021 guideline

10 November 2021 The NICE draft guideline on induction of labour that was out for consultation during the summer, causing concerns and a striking number of responses, has now been finalised and it is available here. Our long and detailed response was considered ...

RCM calls for reverse to public health cuts to support smoking rate reduction

25 June 2021 Pregnant women must get the support they need to reduce smoking in pregnancy says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), as NICE and Public Health England publish a draft guideline to tackle the health burden of smoking.   The guidance published ...

RCM calls for reverse to public health cuts to support smoking rate reduction

25 June 2021 Pregnant women must get the support they need to reduce smoking in pregnancy says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), as NICE and Public Health England publish a draft guideline to tackle the health burden of smoking.   The guidance published ...

Working culture, a crucial factor in delivering safer maternity care, says RCM on World Patient Safety Day

17 September 2021 Poor working cultures must be tackled if we are to make UK maternity services safer, so says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) on World Patient Safety Day. A positive working environment, where multi-disciplinary teams work and train ...

Midwives in Northern Ireland work thousands of unpaid hours to keep services running safely

17 May 2024 Findings published by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have revealed that during just one week in April midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) in Northern Ireland worked 4,300 unpaid hours to keep services running safely. Three ...

Making maternity services work for women and for staff must be a priority for the next Government, says RCM

24 June 2024 Creativity and flexibility around maternity staffing and facilities that are fit for purpose must be a priority for the next Government, says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as the country enters the last full week of General Election campaigning. ...

About safest and best possible care says RCM on new NMC Future Midwife Standards

04 October 2019 Yesterday the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) approved new Standards of proficiency for midwives and Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes. The RCM has been actively engaged with the NMC on the development of these standards.