Search results

31-40 of 141 result(s)

Making maternity services work for women and for staff must be a priority for the next Government, says RCM

24 June 2024 Creativity and flexibility around maternity staffing and facilities that are fit for purpose must be a priority for the next Government, says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as the country enters the last full week of General Election campaigning. ...

Imprisonment should not compromise maternity care for women says RCM

05 March 2020 UK prisons must ensure women who are pregnant and imprisoned are receiving high quality safe care throughout pregnancy, birth and postnatally. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it addresses the TUC’s Women’s Conference ...

NHS must act now to break the burnout cycle in maternity services

16 July 2020 The Royal College of Midwives has called on NHS organisations to break the burnout cycle and support maternity staff better. The call comes following a report from the Society of Occupational Medicine today on the mental health and wellbeing ...

RCM calls for dramatic changes in midwives’ working conditions and workplace wellbeing

23 September 2020 The Royal College of Midwives has today welcomed a report from the King’s Fund which calls for minimum standards to improve working conditions for midwives and nurses, and to address exhaustion and burnout in both professions. The report sets ...

Healthy and supported midwifery workforce never more important for Welsh maternity services

23 October 2020 A healthy and supported midwifery workforce has never been more important for maternity services in Wales. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it responds to the latest workforce report published today by the Welsh ...

Only move maternity staff as last resort, Royal Colleges urge hospital CEOs

22 January 2021 Two leading Royal Colleges are urging hospitals not to redeploy staff away from maternity services except as a last resort to ensure care for women and their babies remains safe. The call comes in a joint letter from the Royal College of Midwives ...