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101-110 of 159 result(s)

RCM responds to HSIB report into intrapartum stillbirths during COVID-19

16 September 2021 The pandemic has had a significant and detrimental impact on many aspects of healthcare, including maternity care the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has said in response to a new report into stillbirths during COVID-19 by the Healthcare Safety ...

Efforts must be redoubled to speed up safety improvements say RCM

21 September 2021 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed a new report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which has called for maternity service improvements to be prioritised to ensure safer care for all mothers and babies. Leadership and culture ...

Scottish Government imposes pay award, despite midwives’ rejection

23 December 2022 Strike action by midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) may still take place in Scotland, after the Scottish Government announced its intention to impose a pay award on health staff in Scotland. The Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social ...

Maternity underfunding means care based on what trusts can afford not on women’s safety and needs says RCM

18 March 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling out the Government’s record on maternity funding which leaves some NHS trusts and boards basing midwifery staffing levels on what they can afford, not women and baby’s needs. Delivering the safest ...

RCM calls for a seismic NHS cultural shift to improve maternity safety

17 February 2022 Poor NHS cultures that put safety at risk must be challenged and stopped. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it publishes new guidance for its members to raise concerns about maternity care, outlining steps staff ...

Devil is in the detail says RCM on funding announcement for maternity services in England

24 March 2022 A welcome injection of funding, but ‘the devil is in the detail’ that’s the verdict from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it welcomes the announcement of a funding boost for maternity services in England. Today a total of £127 million ...