The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) joins with trade unions worldwide in condemning the invasion of Ukraine and demanding that Russian and Byelorussian invading forces leave immediately to allow for meaningful peace talks.

Unions exist to ensure fundamental workers’ rights are met and protected. Although there is no single midwife union in Ukraine the RCM is working with and supporting public service unions in Ukraine whose members are on the front line, including the Health Workers’ Union of Ukraine.

Many health workers in Ukraine are experiencing the worst of the conflict as they stay on the front line, caring for and assisting people. Women and children are being targeted indiscriminately and made refugees.

The RCM has donated to the Ukraine solidarity fund of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). It has also donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Ukraine Appeal and the Disasters Emergency Committee – the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

The RCM is also working closely with brother and sister unions in the UK and is talking to European and international federations, EPSU and PSI, about what can be done to support Ukrainian unions and their members.

This work not only stands in solidarity with people of Ukraine but also the thousands of migrant workers and students from around the world that are also caught up in the conflict.

How you can support

RCM branches and members have been asking how they can help. The ITUC has launched a Solidarity Fund to support the Ukrainian trade union movement and workers in Ukraine, as well as those forced into migration by the invasion.

The RCM understands that it is better to donate money in current circumstances and recommends the following:

ITUC Solidarity Fund
Donations should be sent to ITUC-CSI account number 068-9007804-23 with Belfius Banque SA, Boulevard Pachéco 44, B – 1000 Brussels, (BIC/Swift code: GKCCBEBB – IBAN Code: BE92 0689 0078 0423). Any amount of contribution will be appreciated. Please mark the contribution for ‘Ukraine’ and if not possible please alert to what has been sent and say it is for Ukraine.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
A Ukraine Appeal has been launched to support refugees, people who have been made homeless or who have been injured by the fighting. You can donate here.

The Disasters Emergency Committee – Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
This is an appeal on behalf of fifteen well known charities, including the British Red Cross to support refugees, people who have been made homeless or who have been injured by the fighting. You can donate here. You can also gift aid donations, which will be matched by the UK Government.

There are a number of councils across the UK calling for donations of specific items that will go to those who need it most. We encourage members to look on their local council website or social media to find your nearest collection area.

Homes for Ukraine scheme
The scheme encourages individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to register their interest in providing a home for people newly arrived in the UK who have fled Ukraine. Find out more.

There are also a number of petitions members can sign including call for fast track asylum and to waive visa requirements to support a smooth process for refugees to find safety in the UK.
