Election of RCM President 2024
What is the RCM President’s job?
The RCM President is a ceremonial figurehead and ambassador who represents the RCM at national and international events and at social occasions. The role may also include leading deputations of the RCM.
The President is accountable to the RCM Board and her / his work as President is coordinated by the RCM’s CEO with whom the President is required to work closely. The President has no power to make decisions for the RCM or to commit the RCM to any course of action.
The average overall time commitment is approximately half a day a week. This can be unevenly spread and may involve several consecutive days. For example, the President represents the RCM at the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Conference which usually involves a week abroad. Also, the RCM President role is unpaid.
How is the President appointed and for how long?
The President is appointed by means of an election in which eligible RCM members may vote. The President normally holds office for three years and may be re-elected for one further period of two years but must then retire.
The serving President, Rebeccah Davies will hold office until 1 July 2024. This will ensure that the RCM President attends the ICM Triennial in accordance with the RCM’s rules.
Who can become an RCM President?
You can nominate yourself to become RCM President. The RCM President must be a practising midwife in the UK with the personal and professional qualities necessary to undertake this high-profile role. The President must:
- have an established professional profile and reputation;
- be recognised for personal achievement;
- be an inspiring example for midwives and maternity services;
- be highly skilled and experienced in political acumen and diplomacy;
- have presence and authority;
- be a communicator of the highest order;
- be finely attuned to the RCM’s membership;
- have good interpersonal skills and be adept at developing new relationships;
- be cognisant of the RCM’s range of activity, representation and influence; and
- have good awareness and understanding of RCM strategy, collaborations, country based and international work.
Can you be an RCM Board Member and RCM President?
RCM Board members can nominate themselves to become RCM President and carry out both roles simultaneously. The RCM rules state:
If a member of the RCM Board is elected as President they will take on two roles. They will be a member of the RCM Board and they will be President of the RCM.
If a member of the RCM who is not a member of the RCM Board is elected as President their role will be solely that of President and the CEO will co-ordinate the ambassadorial function and act as a conduit for communication between the Board and the President. CEO will ensure that the President is briefed and informed of RCM affairs and the President should keep CEO informed of their plans and activities and provide written reports to the Board. The President may attend events which may include meetings of the RCM Board concerning strategy development but they will not have the responsibilities and entitlements of a Board member and will not participate in Board decision making. The provisions of rule 6.5.1 apply when a President attends a meeting of the RCM Board.
Equality and Diversity
Inclusive organisations are more successful at meeting the needs of their members. With this in mind, we welcome applications from a range of backgrounds, particularly the global majority, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and younger midwives.
How do I nominate myself for election?
- Before putting yourself forward you should establish that you are eligible and available for the required duties, therefore:
- Familiarise yourself with section 4.10 (President of the RCM) of the RCM Rules – click here then scroll down to “Rules”.
- Discuss your plans with your employer (if you are employed) and secure the necessary support before proceeding further. If your employer will not pay for time you will spend on RCM presidential duties, you must be prepared to commit your own time.
- Discuss your plans with your family and others with whom you have a relationship. Being President of the RCM will take you away from home on occasions, often at short notice, and might involve activities which are physically and emotionally demanding.
- Please read the eligibility criteria carefully before putting yourself forward. If you have any questions please send them by email to elections@rcm.org.uk.
2. If you are satisfied that you are eligible and, if elected, able to undertake the duties commensurate with the role, please complete and submit the forms listed below to the RCM
This must be submitted by midnight on May 17 2024.
Form two: Election address
This must be submitted by midnight on 17 May 2024. You may write up to 300 words explaining to voters why they should vote for you.
Form three: Competency statement
This must be submitted by midnight on 17 May 2024. This is your opportunity to demonstrate to voters that you are competent and possess the necessary personal and professional qualities to be RCM President. You may use up to 1000 words in total for the whole form.
Form four: Equality and diversity monitoring form
This must be submitted by midnight on May 17 2024.