RCM Fellowships recognise individuals who provide exceptional leadership and deliver excellence in practice, education or research.

The RCM Fellowship is open to RCM midwife members who apply and meet the required criteria. These include evidence of professional development and exceptional contribution to promoting the art and science of midwifery for the benefit and health of women, birthing people and their families.

This needs to be demonstrated by professional and personal development of self and others within the sphere of midwifery practice. Significant contribution to  midwifery through consistent professional excellence in midwifery care in practice, education, research, scholarship or management. This can include any other outstanding development and leadership in midwifery practice, leadership, education or research.

Meet the current RCM Fellows.

Why should you apply for a fellowship?

  • You  lead on future developments and initiatives in midwifery
  • You contribute to the national and international development of midwifery
  • You are an ambassador for midwives and the RCM
  • You are recognised and appreciated for your exceptional contributions towards midwifery within your organisation

Some words from our Fellows:

"I applied for the RCM fellowship to be able to represent midwives and birthing community from minoritised groups  and bring to the table perspectives through a non Eurocentric lens so that I would be able to contribute and influence changes to practice and policy giving a much more nuanced approach to improving maternity care for all women and families . This will help embed safety and the inequalities agenda into all aspects of midwifery." Nafiza Anwar, FRCM.

“I am honoured to be a Fellow of RCM. I applied for FRCM as this is prestigious recognition from our own unique profession of midwifery. I have had the privilege of being a midwife for over 30 years, in many different roles, but central to everything I have done is my focus to provide, or to advocate at all levels for the best possible compassionate, respectful and safe care for all. We need to shout loudly about the unique value of midwifery – the evidence is clear that knowledgeable, skilled, caring and sensitive midwives make a difference to the outcomes of childbirth globally. Now, more than ever, this is important – so let’s celebrate the contribution of midwives. I urge you to consider applying for a Fellowship too, so that we can work together to promote our profession.” Grace Thomas, FRCM.

Equality and Diversity

We are keen to ensure our Fellows reflect our members so warmly welcome applications from Black, brown and mixed heritage midwives and midwives from other ethnic minorities. RCM Fellows are strong, visible leaders and ambassadors of our profession and we want all our members to be able to see themselves reflected in the membership.

Application process

The RCM Fellowship scheme is open for applications between 2 October to 5 December 2023.

Successful applicants will receive their Fellowship at the RCM Conference 8-9 May 2024.


Eligibility criteria for admission to Fellowship are:

  1. Currently an NMC registered midwife practising for more than seven years
  2. five continuous years of full RCM membership (including joint agreement)/special category associate/overseas membership prior to application
  3. evidence of formal and/or ongoing professional development other than that gained from initial midwifery registration
  4. exceptional contribution to promoting the art and science of midwifery and the effectiveness of midwives for the benefit of the health of women and their families as demonstrated by:
  • professional and personal development of self and others within the sphere of midwifery practice
  • significant contribution to midwifery through consistent professional excellence in midwifery care and/or practice, education, research, scholarship, management and any other outstanding development
  • leadership in midwifery practice, leadership, education or research
  • contribution to the enhancement of equality, diversity and inclusion in midwifery practice and care.

Electronic applications can be submitted by any midwife member of the RCM who meets the criteria, using the application form which can be downloaded here. Receipt of all application forms will be acknowledged.

All applicants are asked to complete an application that will:

  • detail how each of the criteria has been met: this may be through one major project, a series of interlinked pieces of work or a number of smaller projects and/or pieces of work
  • list a minimum of two key pieces of supporting evidence
  • include a condensed professional portfolio containing the evidence as listed of major innovation or development achieved over the previous five years
  • include evidence of peer review through crucial reflection and references

Each section of the form must be completed. The statement in support of the application should address each of the criteria that the Assessment Panel considers.

The names, addresses and positions of three referees must be supplied on the form. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that referees have the guidance for referees to support RCM Fellow Application.

Completed application forms and supporting evidence should be sent to fellowship@rcm.org.uk.

Fellowship Membership

  • There is a FRCM membership category which the accredited fellow will automatically be assigned to.
  • Once accredited as a Fellow you will pay £5.00 per month in addition to your current membership fee.
  • When the FRCM ceases to work as a midwife, they are eligible to become a retired member of the RCM and would still be eligible to use FRCM (at no added cost).

All Fellows must abide by their professional Code and the Fellows Code of Conduct and Practice, which means they must:

  • act within their professional Code
  • demonstrate respect, integrity and candour
  • engage with RCM professional activities to promote the midwifery profession.


For Fellows, the RCM will:

  • support Fellows to raise their professional profile through engagement with stakeholders and participation in events, activities and resource development
  • support and encourage sharing of knowledge, innovation and practice issues.


The RCM and Fellows will show respect for the opinions and ideas of colleagues in the constructive development of the profession.

The RCM and Fellows will support and actively engage with colleagues to develop and promote excellence in practice, education and research, scholarship, leadership and management.

If a FRCM is found to be acting outside their professional Code or fails to demonstrate a commitment to the profession or the RCM, the RCM reserves the right to discuss the behaviours and actions with the Fellow and if it is considered appropriate will remove their name from the roll and the Fellow would not be able to continue to use FRCM.

The FRCM aims to create a body of support for the midwifery/maternity profession which could provide professional advice and intelligence, on practice, education, research, policy and women’s service provision.

FRCM are recognised leaders within their sphere of expertise in midwifery and maternity service. FRCM are midwives with a high profile and have the respect of their peers and who are willing to advocate on behalf of the RCM and the profession.

If you have been asked by a colleague to support their application you will need to feel confident that they meet the criteria.

Please keep these simple questions in mind:

  • Does the midwife demonstrate excellence in their particular field?
  • Does the midwife support and inspire others in their personal development?
  • Have you read and reviewed the midwife’s application form?
  • Are you willing to support the midwife’s application?
  • Do you feel confident the midwife’s application is appropriate?
  • Have you known the applicant for two years or more?
  • Your reference needs to be submitted at the time of the Fellow application.


  • Timelines

    • Applications open - 2 October 2023
    • Applications close - 5 December 2023
    • Applications reviewed by RCM review panel in - December 2023
    • Applications reviewed by External Panel - December 2023
    • Applicants informed of panel decision following RCM Board ratification in January 2024 (via email).


    Still have questions? Please email: fellowship@rcm.org.uk for further information
