Become a member of the Student Midwife Forum

on 05 October 2021 SMF - Student Midwives Forum Student midwives Midwifery Midwives RCM

We are excited to announce the nominations for student midwife elections to the RCM Student Midwife Forum (SMF) open today, on 5 October. There are 10 seats on the forum in total; two each for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and four for England (London, North, South and Midlands and East).

This year we have the following seats available for election:

  • two seats for Northern Ireland
  • one in England – South  
  • one in England – North
  • one in Wales

We would like to see as many applications to the student forum as possible. We are working in an agile way that offers great opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds, and are committed to being an inclusive student forum regardless of race religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, pregnancy, disability or gender identity.

We are especially interested in receiving applicants from sections of the community which are currently underrepresented within the forum, including applicants with protected characteristics and applicants from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. 

If you are interested in this opportunity then you will need to be a RCM student member of the RCM, be able to contribute an active role in the SMF committing to four meetings per year (normally all meetings are held in London however due to current COVID restrictions these are likely to be held virtually initially) and attend the RCM Annual Conference to facilitate the Student Stream and promote the SMF. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed for the quarterly face to face SMF meetings.

If you are interested in joining the SMF, you are required to submit a 500 word manifesto detailing why you should be the voice of the SMF in your Country/region.

The group is chaired by a student midwife member and supported by RCM staff.

The dates for the SMF meetings next year are fixed and will be held on;              

  • Tuesday 18 January 2022
  • Tuesday 12 April 2022
  • Tuesday 19 July 2022
  • Wednesday 21 September 2022

Attendance to all four of the above meetings is mandatory so please ensure you are able commit to these dates prior to applying. 

To submit your manifesto please download the form here. Please submit your manifesto to The closing date for applications is Monday 8 November.

Once all manifestos have been received, there will an opportunity for students to read through the manifestos for each Country/Region and vote for the student midwife which they wish to see elected on to the Student Midwife Forum.  

All information for the voting process along with the survey to cast your vote can be found here. 

The deadline to submit manifestos is Monday 8 November.

Voting will commence on Tuesday 9 November and close at midnight on Tuesday 30 November.

The results will be verified, and the newly elected members will be informed by email by Friday 10 December.
