31-40 of 186 result(s)
RCM calls for better support for disabled NHS staff in TUC motion

RCM calls for better support for disabled NHS staff in TUC motion

on 12 July 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says a change is needed urgently in how funds for reasonable adjustments for disabled NHS staff are allocated at Trust level. In a motion – presented by RCM member Mandi Masters - to the TUC Disabled Workers ...
RCM welcomes new research strategy but cautions it must be backed-up with resources

RCM welcomes new research strategy but cautions it must be backed-up with resources

on 25 May 2023 The importance of research to drive improvements in maternity safety and the quality of care has been underlined with the publication of a strategic plan for research from England’s Chief Midwifery Officer (CMidO). It sets out plans for maternity ...
Safety, choice, and staff wellbeing must be focus of service reconfigurations, says RCM

Safety, choice, and staff wellbeing must be focus of service reconfigurations, says RCM

on 23 May 2023 Updated guidance on what to consider when reconfiguring maternity services has been published today by the Royal College of Midwives.

Independent Maternity Working Group gives cautious welcome to three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services

on 13 April 2023 The Independent Maternity Working Group (IMWG), set up in response to one of the ‘immediate and essential actions’ set out by Donna Ockenden in her independent report last year, welcomes the publication of NHS England’s three-year delivery ...